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법무대학원 교육과정(2025학번~ )

법무대학원 교육과정
전공 이수구분 교과목번호 교과목명 학점
선수과목 9504080 법학입문(Introduction to Law) 3
공통과목 9504055 기초법연구 (A Study on Jurisprudence) 3
9504076 특허법의 이론과 실무 (Theory and Practice of Patent Law) 3
9504047 경제법의 이론과 실무 (Theory and Practices on Economic Law) 3
9504078 집단적노사관계법무연구 (Studies in Collective Labor Relations Law and Practice) 3
9504079 HRM과 노동법 (HRM and Labor Law) 3
9504071 지식재산법일반연구 (General Theories of Intellectual Property Law) 3
9504075 상표법연구 (Study on Law of Trademarks) 3
9504074 보건의료법연구 (Healthcare-& Medical Law : The General) 3
9504070 과학기술법일반연구 (General Theories of Science and Technology Law) 3
9504072 정보통신법일반연구 (General Theories of Information and Communication Law) 3
9504059 국제법일반연구 (A Study on International Law) 3
9504037 경제법연구 (Theory of Economic Law) 3
9504081 중국법개론 (Introduction to Chinese Law) 3
9504082 중국경제법연구 (A Study on Chinese Economic Law) 3
9504083 중국노동법연구(A Study on Chinese Labour Law) 3
9504053 연구과제 (Research Projects) 3
정부법무전공 전공과목 9504004 헌법일반연구(A Study on General Theory of Constitution) 3
9504008 언론·정보법제연구 (A Study on Legislative Studies in Speech and Information) 3
9504010 헌법소송연구 (A Study on Constitutional Litigation) 3
9504013 정당·선거제도연구 (A Study on Theory of Party and Election-lnstitution) 3
9504044 기본적 인권연구 (A Study on Fundamental Human Rights) 3
9504063 행정조직법연구 (A Study on Administrative Organization Law) 3
9504005 행정법일반연구 (A Study on General Theory of Administrative Law) 3
9504006 지방자치법연구 (A Study on in Local Self-Government Law) 3
9504007 환경법연구 (A Study on in Environmental Law) 3
9504009 지역개발법제연구 (A Study on Legislative Studies in Regional Development) 3
9504011 행정쟁송연구 (A Study on Administrative Litigation) 3
9504066 과학기술행정법연구 (Studies on Science and Technology Administration Law) 3
9504041 세법의 이론과 실무 (Theory and Practices of Tax Law) 3
9504084 국가재정을 위한 법제연구 (A Study on National FInance) 3
9504085 지방재정을 위한 법제연구 (A Study on National FInance Legislation) 3
9504086 공공감사에 관한 연구 (A study on Public Audit) 3
형사법무전공 전공과목 9504016 특별형사법연구 (A Study on Special Criminal Law) 3
9504056 개별범죄연구(A Study on Special Part of Criminal Law) 3
9504045 형벌제도연구(A Study on Penal Institution) 3
9504050 소년법연구(A Study on Juvenile Act) 3
9504014 형사법일반연구(A Study on Criminal Law) 3
9504017 형사절차연구(A Study on Criminal Procedure) 3
9504020 범죄심리학연구(A Study on Psychology of Crime) 3
9504021 범죄사회학연구(A Study on Sociology of Crime) 3
9504057 형사판례연구(A Study on Criminal Cases) 3
9504015 형사정책일반연구(A Study on Criminal Policy) 3
9504077 중국형사법판례연구(Case study of Chinese Criminal law) 3
9504087 성범죄연구(A Study on Sexual Offenses) 3
9504088 군형법연구(A Study on Military Criminal Law) 3
9504089 자본시장법과 불공정거래 연구(A study on Financial investment services and capital markets Act & Unfair trading) 3
9504090 수사절차실무연구(A study on the practice of investigative procedure) 3
민사법무전공 전공과목 9504025 민사소송의 이론과 실무 (Theory and Practices of Civil Procedure) 3
9504027 담보물권법의 이론과 실제 (Theory and Practices of the Real Rights by ecurity Law) 3
9504028 계약법의 이론과 실무 (Theory and Practices of the Law of Contract) 3
9504029 불법행위법의 기초이론 (Fundamental Theory of the Law of Tort) 3
9504031 손해배상의 이론과 실무 (Theory and Practices of the Damages) 3
9504064 친족법연구 (A Study on Domestic Relation) 3
9504042 보험법의 이론과 실무 (Theory and Practices of lnsurance) 3
9504024 계약법의 기초이론 (Fundamental Theory of the Law of Contract) 3
9504035 회사법기초이론 (Basic Principles of Corporate Law) 3
9504030 불법행위의 현대적 유형과 과제 (On the Torts in Modern Society) 3
9504033 강제집행의 이론과 실무 (Theory and Practices of the Execution Law) 3
9504046 부동산법의 이론과 실무 (Legal Theory and Practice on the Real Property) 3
9504065 상속법연구 (A Study on Inheritance Law) 3
9504043 증권거래의 법리와 실무 (Law and Practice of Securities Regulation) 3
9504049 기업매수·합병의 법리와 실무 (Legal Study on Corporate Merger and Acquisition) 3
9504061 기업금융법연구 (A Study on Business Finance Law) 3
9504048 생명·손해보험연구 (Legal Theory and Practice on Life and Property lnsurance) 3
9504062 자동차보험연구 (A Study on Automobile Insurance Law) 3
9504091 중국기업법연구 (Studies on Chinese Corporate Law) 3

법무대학원 교육과정(2023 ~ 2024)

법무대학원 교육과정
전공 이수구분 교과목번호 교과목명 학점
공통과목 9504055 기초법연구(A Study on Jurisprudence) 3
9504071 지식재산법일반연구(General Theories of Intellectual Property Law) 3
선수과목 9504003 사법입문(Introduction to Private Law) 3
9504002 공법입문(Introduction to Public Law) 3
공법전공 전공과목 9504004 헌법일반연구(A Study on General Theory of Constitution) 3
9504015 형사정책일반연구(A Study on Criminal Policy) 3
9504008 언론·정보법제연구(A Study on Legislative Studies in Speech and Information) 3
9504010 헌법소송연구(A Study on Constitutional Litigation) 3
9504013 정당·선거제도연구(A Study on Theory of Party and Election-lnstitution) 3
9504044 기본적 인권연구(A Study on Fundamental Human Rights) 3
9504063 행정조직법연구(A Study on Administrative Organization Law) 3
9504016 특별형사법연구(A Study on Special Criminal Law) 3
9504056 개별범죄연구(A Study on Special Part of Criminal Law) 3
9504045 형벌제도연구(A Study on Penal Institution) 3
9504050 소년법연구(A Study on Juvenile Act) 3
9504005 행정법일반연구((A Study on General Theory of Administrative Law) 3
9504014 형사법일반연구(A Study on Criminal Law) 3
9504006 지방자치법연구(A Study on in Local Self-Government Law) 3
9504007 환경법연구(A Study on in Environmental Law) 3
9504009 지역개발법제연구(A Study on Legislative Studies in Regional Development) 3
9504011 행정쟁송연구(A Study on Administrative Litigation) 3
9504059 국제법일반연구(A Study on International Law) 3
9504066 과학기술행정법연구(Studies on Science and Technology Administration Law) 3
9504074 보건의료법연구 (Healthcare-& Medical Law : The General 3
9504017 형사절차연구(A Study on Criminal Procedure) 3
9504020 범죄심리학연구(A Study on Psychology of Crime) 3
9504021 범죄사회학연구(A Study on Sociology of Crime) 3
9504057 형사판례연구(A Study on Criminal Cases) 3
9504070 과학기술법일반연구(General Theories of Science and Technology Law) 3
9504072 정보통신법일반연구(General Theories of Information and Communication Law) 3
9504077 중국형사법판례연구(Case study of Chinese Criminal law) 3
사법전공 전공과목 9504025 민사소송의 이론과 실무(Theory and Practices of Civil Procedure) 3
9504034 노동법일반이론(General Theory of Labour Law) 3
9504027 담보물권법의 이론과 실제(Theory and Practices of the Real Rights by ecurity Law) 3
9504028 계약법의 이론과 실무(Theory and Practices of the Law of Contract) 3
9504029 불법행위법의 기초이론(Fundamental Theory of the Law of Tort) 3
9504031 손해배상의 이론과 실무(Theory and Practices of the Damages) 3
9504064 친족법연구(A Study on Domestic Relation) 3
9504042 보험법의 이론과 실무(Theory and Practices of lnsurance) 3
9504043 증권거래의 법리와 실무(Law and Practice of Securities Regulation) 3
9504047 경제법의 이론과 실무(Theory and Practices on Economic Law) 3
9504049 기업매수·합병의 법리와 실무(Legal Study on Corporate Merger and Acquisition) 3
9504061 기업금융법연구(A Study on Business Finance Law) 3
9504075 상표법연구 (Study on Law of Trademarks) 3
9504024 계약법의 기초이론(Fundamental Theory of the Law of Contract) 3
9504035 회사법기초이론(Basic Principles of Corporate Law) 3
9504030 불법행위의 현대적 유형과 과제(On the Torts in Modern Society) 3
9504033 강제집행의 이론과 실무(Theory and Practices of the Execution Law) 3
9504046 부동산법의 이론과 실무(Legal Theory and Practice on the Real Property) 3
9504065 상속법연구(A Study on Inheritance Law) 3
9504048 생명·손해보험연구(Legal Theory and Practice on Life and Property lnsurance) 3
9504036 노사관계법무연구(A Study in Labour legal Affairs Law) 3
9504076 특허법의 이론과 실무 (Theory and Practice of Patent Law) 3
9504037 경제법연구(Theory of Economic Law) 3
9504041 세법의 이론과 실무(Theory and Practices of Tax Law) 3
9504062 자동차보험연구(A Study on Automobile Insurance Law) 3
9504053 연구과제(Research Projects) 3